Leading Musculoskeletal Injury Care


Supporting Clinicians, Researchers, and Other Innovators


Musculoskeletal injuries (MSI) affect approximately 800,000 service members annually and result in 25 million days of limited duty. These conditions are the primary reasons for medical discharge and downgrade, and result in 34% of medical evacuations from theatre. Most concerning though is that the disability discharge rate for MSI has increased 13x between 1981 and 2005 (70 vs. 950 per 100,000 persons), which negatively impacts cost, care and utilization within the military health system (MHS).

Given the strict requirements for physical fitness in the military, and impact of MSI on combat readiness, the Defense Health Agency supported the creation of Musculoskeletal Injury Rehabilitation Research for Operational Readiness (MIRROR), which provides critical infrastructure, operational and research support to advance the treatment and preventive care for service members with non-combat related MSI. Headquartered at the Uniformed Services University (USU), MIRROR coordinates inter-service partnerships with the primary military treatment facilities (MTFs), as well as other sites that experience a high volume of MSI but lack a robust infrastructure to conduct rigorous clinical studies.

MIRROR additionally provides risk assessment and preventative action in order to decrease the incidence and burden of MSI among service members to include special recognition of the MSI demands unique to the female wounded warrior. This occurs through a coordinated process which includes: (1) determining the existence and magnitude of the problem, (2) identifying causes of the problem, (3) determining what prevents the problem, (4) implementing prevention strategies and programs, and (5) continuing surveillance and monitoring/evaluating the effectiveness of prevention efforts. In order to determine the most effective and efficient methods of treatment and prevention of MSI in the military, MIRROR researchers closely align with DoD leadership and have advisory members who serve as MTF administrators, senior investigators, Joint Program Committee (JPC) chairs, etc. You can find more information about our collaborators and staff below.


Steering Committee



Principal Investigators



Core Staff